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It could phone call to a friend during the day just to let him know you were thinking of him, increase your well-being and wellbeing, reducing stress levels for the rest of the day? Yes, could answer the experts. After all, the effect of sociability on well-being has been scientifically proven in the context of research that studies quality communication and its impact on relationships.
Sociability and contact with friends is undoubtedly important key to prosperity even happiness, many will agree. The road to wellness, however, includes many more “stops”.
For those who love luxury and indulgence for example, it could be one self care routine on a weekly basis or visiting a place of renewal such as a spa once a month for a beneficial treatment that will benefit the body and soul. Don’t forget that the word spa means in Latin sanitas per aqua (health through water).
Water (aqua) is a key element for safeguarding our well-being and not only by immersing in it, but also by drinking pure and beneficial water for health. At every step to achieve the desired well-being, the liquid element dominates, as research data reveals, as well as expert advice. Let’s see what steps will bring us closer to wellness.
Step 1 – We pay attention to our diet
Proper and balanced nutrition is inextricably linked to health and well-being. Therefore we reduce the consumption of red meat in our weekly diet and increase fruits and vegetables daily. Of course, we do not neglect the hydration of our body. Hydration is the main way to boost mood and clarity and reduce stress. It is also important for the proper functioning of the body and the mind. Let’s not forget that the majority of our body is made up of water. AQUA Carpatica is an ideal choice for hydrating the body. It is a “miracle of virgin nature” as the sources of both the Natural Mineral Water and the Naturally Carbonated Natural Mineral Water meet all the quality criteria of a worthy and especially good natural water.
Step 2 – We put the exercise in the program
Exercise is a necessary ingredient in any “recipe” for happiness. Exercise, provided it is of our choice and liking, relieves stress by helping to manage physical and mental stress. It does this by increasing calm neurotransmitters such as serotonin and norepinephrine which have the ability to moderate the brain’s response to stress. A point of caution regarding exercise is to avoid dehydration, which can occur due to increased sweating. For this reason, make sure to hydrate your body regularly every day and a little more on training days. In your gym bag, make sure you have a water bottle with you AQUA Carpathia. Whichever you prefer: either the natural metallic or the naturally carbonated. Just keep it in your bag and every time you feel the sweat rolling down your face, drink your favorite water.
Step 3 – We take care of our health
Wellness without health is not an achievable goal. For this reason we do not neglect the necessary preventive medical checks according to our age and gender. “It is better to prevent it or to cure it”, said Hippocrates, the father of modern Medicine, wanting to underline the value of prevention in maintaining good health. Therefore we do not neglect the necessary check ups and of course we do not put our bodies in conditions that may worsen health. So we make sure that we sleep enough, that our body is hydrated and that we avoid abuse.
Step 4 – Add color everywhere!
In recent years, research interest in the psychology of colors is constantly growing and a number of studies have reached interesting conclusions about the colors that calm us and fight stress, the color that improves sports performance or the colors that evoke strong emotions . Colors are powerful communication tools, they can affect the mood or even the body’s physiological responses. So let’s fill the house with flowers and bright pillows, so as to create a calm space where we can relax. In addition, we include the consumption of colorful fruits and vegetables in our daily meals, reaping their beneficial benefits. We also do not forget the regular hydration of the body that will offer us the choice of water with a nice taste so that drinking it is attractive to us. Its velvety taste AQUA Carpathia is an ideal choice. If you want to make it even more special and… colorful add a slice of lemon or lime according to your taste.
Step 5 – We express our gratitude
Gratitude improves our lives in many ways: it improves health, provides emotional balance, increases relaxation and makes us more creative. Starting today, start systematically practicing gratitude as a practice to improve your life. Grab a notebook and a pencil and write a list of everything that makes you feel grateful. On the contrary, make sure that you offer your body what your body will thank you for forever: it is none other than adequate hydration of the body! Remember that dehydration has been found to significantly disrupt cognitive function by affecting perception, attention, memory, learning, thinking, and decision making.
That is why it is necessary to drink water every day, without waiting for thirst. Experts emphasize that when we feel the feeling of thirst our body has already lost fluids through sweat, breath and urine. In other words we are already mildly dehydrated.
Priceless treasure
Water emerges as an invaluable health treasure for us and our family. In a glass, in a bottle or from a jug, our daily life and the path to well-being cannot be understood without drinking water.
THE selection of the purest water it is also a necessary condition for our health. The natural and now pure choice available to us is one quality water with natural minerals in which nitrates are not detected which means that it springs from pure sources in the soil and subsoil where dangerous nitrates do not accumulate, or even if their concentration is infinitesimal and does not pose any health concern. Fortunately, in Europe there are areas with forests untouched by man and springs from which the purest water without a trace of nitrates flows. These sources can be found at Carpathian mountains.
The AQUA Carpathia it is the only water in the world with no nitrates (the naturally carbonated water) and almost zero nitrates (the naturally mineral water).
It is unique in its kind and is an ideal choice for children and pregnant women, but also an essential solution for those who care about their health.
If you want to take care of your health, but also your well-being, make sure to put it on AQUA Carpathia in your life.