Are they a new international threat? The expert answers


Is it a temporary ‘nuisance’ or is it the new ‘coronavirus with legs’ as reported on the internet? And what are bed bugs? The above questions are answered by Mr. Telemachos Zaimis, Chief Pathologist Metropolitan Hospital

Bed bugs are parasites with the most frequent hosts being birds, bats and humans, while the genera Cimex Lectularius and Cimex Hemipterus are the most numerous. Initially, they developed in areas of Asia, Australia and Africa but now, over the past three decades, they have spread throughout the world with epidemiological analyzes indicating that this is mainly due to an increase in international transport, immigration and the use of second-hand products and furniture. Anatomically they develop from larvae to adulthood within two weeks and reach a size of 5 mm. They are red/brown in color and have a life expectancy of 6-12 months, with the ability to survive without food for 80-140 days.

Bed bugs feed entirely on blood, which they obtain through samples (bites) on the skin of humans or any other host.

Although more than 40 microorganisms have been reported to be transmitted by bed bugs that cause diseases such as yellow fever, trypanosome (Chagas Disease), leishmania (kala azar disease), however there are no clear indications that this is the case and therefore it has not been declared a global public health threat. However, bites have been associated with negative health effects, including allergic reactions, secondary bacterial infections, and scarring due to intense itching. Health risks are increased by reckless and inappropriate use of insecticides, which can lead to chronic respiratory disease.

On the other hand, maybe the greater “danger” is psychological pressure to people dealing with bed bugs. These parasites have led to a clear impact on the quality of life of the people they colonize in several ways: Sleep disorders, social alienation, lack of self-esteem and social stigma are the most common phenomena, while at the same time, patients have to deal with financial costs (with the associated stress) of the necessary disinfestation.

The typical pattern of bed bug bites is multiple pruritic, maculopapular rashes 0.5-2 cm in diameter that are usually arranged in a row, that is, 2 or more rashes in a line.

The areas of the body that are exposed during sleep are most often affected and the main symptom is o severe itching in the area. Usually the rashes are self-limiting and can heal within two weeks without medical intervention, so management is symptomatic. Common measures are the use of topical or oral antihistamines and/or cortisone, while it appears that cold compresses may provide relief. Antibiotic treatment is indicated only in cases of bacterial infection of the lesion, that is, when an infection occurs in the already existing rash, usually due to itching”, the doctor points out.

THE American Academy of Dermatology has suggested some ways to prevent bed bugs, which reduce but unfortunately do not eliminate the risk of colonization. Signs that may indicate the presence of bed bugs in beds or furniture are red blood stains or remnants of the skeleton of the pest.

If it is suspected that a place you have visited may be infested with bed bugs, the most basic way to prevent transmission at home is to check all items such as clothes, shoes, bags and suitcases for bed bugs or for the aforementioned signs. In addition, a simple way to eliminate them is to wash at high temperatures, even clothes or bedding that have not been used.

In conclusion, it is safe to say that bed bugs are nothing more than a problem limited to a local dermatological and cosmetic level. They do not transmit disease and therefore do not pose an international threat to public health. Nevertheless, it is important to mention that these parasites have been attacking and “living” with humans for millennia. Therefore, it is necessary to inform and raise the awareness of society in order to reduce the stigma it causes and also to deal with the “bed bug”, which for its part does not discriminate between the people it offends.

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