Do you fall head over heels for food? What is wrong and how to deal with it


Learn about the signs that you should suspect something is wrong with your relationship with food and learn all about how to manage your binge eating disorder

Our relationship with food she is undoubtedly special. It accompanies the happiest, but also the most difficult moments of our lives. Sometimes we enjoy it and sometimes it makes us feel guilty. Sometimes we can overdo it and this is not necessarily a problem. As long as it doesn’t happen all the time. Because, in this case, it’s not just bad handling, it’s one eating disorder. Identifying the causes that lead to this will help us to deal with the problem more effectively.

When talking about an eating disorder, most people think of anorexia or its opposite, the bulimia. However, there is also overeating, a lesser known but equally serious disorder. Unlike the other two eating disorders, people who suffer from binge eating are usually normal weight, overweight or obese, do not obsess over calorie restriction, and do not try to eliminate what they have eaten out of guilt. THE binge eating disorder (BED) it involves eating unusually large amounts of food and feeling unable to stop.

What signs indicate the risk of overeating?

Some common behaviors of people who experience binge eating are that:

– They feel they “must” eat everything because it’s in front of them, feeling no signal to stop.

– They consume large amounts of food, without actually being hungry.

– They eat too much food quickly and within a few hours.

– They experience stomach discomfort because of how much and how fast they ate.

– They often eat behind closed doors, so that no one can see them.

What are the common causes that lead to overeating?

A strict diet

Diet and nutrition are two different things. Eating a healthy, balanced diet is the most sustainable way to lose weight and ensure a quality life over time. THE diet, on the other hand, describes restricting food intake, often in an effort to lose weight. An extreme restriction of food and calories, however, can have the opposite effect, ultimately leading to the tendency to consume larger amounts of food.

A bad body image

Binge eaters often have low self-esteem and dislike their body image. This leads to negative feelings, which are often combated by overeating and unhealthy eating, a habit that leads to weight gain and even more negative body image, ultimately creating a vicious cycle from which it is not easy to escape.

A traumatic experience

Whether it’s an abusive behavior, a bereavement or just the intense stress arising from everyday life, emotional distress can greatly contribute to the risk of overeating. People experiencing emotional difficulties often turn to food, seeking comfort and relief and using it as an outlet to deal with their emotions.

How is binge eating treated?

If you think you or someone you love may be dealing with binge eating disorder, there are ways to treat it. Many can be helped by going to one nutritionist, who will create a proper diet, based on the particular needs of each one. If overeating is due to psychological factors, then the help of a psychotherapist may be enough to treat this eating disorder.

In addition, it has also been shown to be useful to adhere to a food diarywhich allows one to record what they ate and the feelings associated with it.

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