Three surprising signs that there is a problem



Could a pimple or stress be triggered by poor gut health? Discover the “innocent” signs associated with bowel problems

It has already been scientifically proven that the brain and the gut are connected, by a mechanism described as the gut-brain axis and expresses a network of communication between the two organs. From this function alone we can understand that, when the intestine does not work properly, our body will warn us in a variety of ways.

Some of the signs that will help us recognize intestinal disorders are diarrhea and stomach cramps. There are, however, other more general features of the body, which are due to bowel dysfunctions. London-based dietitian Anna Pettit, specializing in digestive health, reveals the symptoms that could escape our attention and be indicative of disturbed gut health.

Bloating and gas

The average person has flatulence around 40 times a day, according to the charity Guts UK. However, if the phenomenon intensifies after eating certain foods, a disturbance in the breakdown of food could be responsible.

In addition to intolerance to foods such as lactose, severe bloating that is often combined with other bothersome bowel symptoms, such as diarrhea or discolored stools, could be due to malabsorption of nutrients in foods.

If you experience persistent bloating or if it is accompanied by sudden weight loss, abdominal pain or diarrhoea, you should seek the advice of a gastroenterologist.

Mood disorders

Returning to the theory of the gut-brain axis, much can be explained regarding mental disorders when the gut is not functioning properly. According to the expert, any disturbance along the gut-brain axis, i.e. an imbalance between the microorganisms in the gut, could trigger anxiety disorders and even episodes of depression.

This could be because the gut provides around 95% of the body’s serotonin – the hormone that affects mood and emotions.

Skin problems

Does chocolate really give us pimples? The truth is that excessive consumption of sugars and saturated fats are often blamed for skin problems, as they could create an imbalance in the gut microbiome. As a result, acne could appear.

In short, in the same way that there is a gut-brain axis, there is also a gut-skin axis. As the expert points out, many skin diseases have their explanation in the disorders of the intestinal microbiome.

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